
Teach you to judge whether the motorcycle clutch is damaged

Teach you to judge whether the motorcycle clutch is damaged

Teach you how to judge whether the clutch is bad

If the clutch starts to go bad, the first sign will be the way your bike revs. If you know your bike well enough, you know the sound and feel of the bike and will be able to tell if it is revving higher than it should be. This may notify you that your plates aren’t moving the way they should be moving.

You may have a bad clutch cable and a sign of a bad clutch, as well if this happens. A bad clutch cable can result from grime and dirt getting into the clutch and keeping your plates from operating properly.

If your gear shifts are hard and abrupt, this can also indicate that your clutch is going bad. Be on the lookout if you hear unpleasant sounds from your bike, as well as jerks when shifting. When your plates don’t separate enough, those parts may grind together, resulting in a loud, clunky sound and a jerking motion.

Lastly, the most direct way to tell if your clutch is bad is if you can’t get your bike into gear at all. A good amount of bikes require it to be in a neutral position in order to start. If you are unable to shift into specific gear and your lever goes freely up and down, you have a bad clutch.


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